5 Key HOA Holiday Decoration Rules + Compliance

Many HOAs have rules around the times that residents may have decorations  that make noise.  That helps to balance the enjoyment of the decorations, and quiet hours in the community association.

1: Noise

2: Size

Regulating the size of decorations helps to maintain the aesthetic of the community. Mounted decorations should be approved by the ARC to make sure that they are safe.

If your HOA values uniformity in decorations, then the board could consider restricting the color of decorations. For example, only being able to put up white Christmas lights.

3: Color

4: Decency

All HOA holiday decorations should be appropriate and inoffensive.  It can be worth creating a rule that officially bans all inappropriate or derogatory decorations to make sure that there aren't any issues.

5: Timing

Clearly including how long decorations are allowed to be up for can reduce the number of homes that have Christmas lights up 3 months later. You can set guidelines for how many weeks before and after a holiday decorations are permitted to be up for.


You have rules around what decorations homeowners are allowed in your community association. Using these 2 key tips, you can increase compliance.

Communicate the rules

Communicate the rules

Using your newsletter, emails or notice boards, you should highlight the rules around decorations early. Then, after residents start decorating, send another reminder to reduce violations.

Conduct inspections

To reduce violations around HOA decoration guidelines, the board, committee or manager can do a walkthrough of the community. Using inspections software, you can register any violations from your phone.