The 3 Best HOA Communication Apps To Easily Engage With Residents

HOA communication apps can help your board of directors to stay in touch with residents. One of the biggest frustrations for HOA members is that they think the board isn’t communicating clearly with them. Members do have some responsibility for being proactive when it comes to learning about community developments. However, it falls squarely on the board’s shoulders to provide their HOA members with timely, relevant updates.

Communication is the heart and soul of any organization and HOAs are no exemption. Without properly conveying the right messages and doing so clearly and succinctly, there will likely be problems such as misunderstandings down the road.

Common Communication Problems

A common situation is that the board makes an important decision, and only a handful of members are present at the meeting(s) where the issue is discussed. One or more of those in attendance gets upset. Then they start riling up members who were not there possibly communicating information that at worst is incorrect, and at best is only partly accurate.

Without clear communication from the HOA board, that situation has all the ingredients for a revolt. These situations can be avoided if members had easier access to board actions and the thought process behind them. Certainly in a perfect world, HOA members regularly attend board meetings to get information straight from the board. But that typically doesn’t happen, due to conflicting schedules, no interest in agenda items, or general indifference.

How HOA communication apps can help

Apps are great because they can be used on smartphones, and 85% of Americans now have smartphones. This makes them an ideal tool to communicate with your residents. Apps send notifications directly to your phone, and can also trigger emails so HOA members can’t miss what you’re posting.

You have a lot of options for different communication apps. You could pay for an app that’s made for HOAs, which is ideal because there are different levels of access. Also, it’s made for HOAs which are unique setups and need specific features. But, if you want something more simple that allows people to talk to each other easily, then a free app that can help boost productivity is a good start.

The best HOA communication apps

These 3 HOA communication apps can make a huge difference to your community association. They can help board members and community association managers to reach residents. And for residents, it lets them connect with their neighbors.

Neigbrs by Vinteum

Neigbrs by Vinteum is an award-winning HOA communication tool. It was designed to improve communication between board members, property managers, and residents in HOAs. Its purpose is to fix the chronic communication issues that HOAs face. In our survey, 86% of board members agreed that communication is an issue in their community association, showing how important it is to focus on communication.

know how Neigbrs by vinteum can help you on how to run an hoa by improving you communication


Board members can send notices out which send a push notification, and an email to all residents. They can also post about events, manage service requests, and send messages to groups. Residents can book amenities, read documents, post on your social network, and attend virtual meetings all from their phones.

Neigbrs by Vinteum is a secure HOA communication app, the only people who can log in are residents & homeowners. It is available across North America and has been in business for almost a decade. Our support team will walk you through how to use our software and gives you training. We also offer a desktop portal and a personalized website.

It is the best option to streamline your HOA into one communication portal that makes day-to-day tasks more efficient.


  • Board members and/or managers have full control
  • It’s designed with HOAs in mind
  • Support is available by chat, email & phone
  • We provide full onboarding


Next Door

Next Door is a neighborhood communication app. It’s a great way to connect with your neighbors and find out what’s going on. The idea behind it is to create connections with the people who live near you. It includes a neighborhood map, and when someone recommends a local business or service it’s cataloged so everyone can find it later.

What it does

Like Neigbrs by Vinteum, Next Door allows residents to choose what notifications they receive so they’re not overwhelmed. Everyone is verified through a phone call to their landline, a postcard to their address, invitations, or via their credit card billing address.

It’s a social media app based on your local community, which has increased in popularity, especially since the pandemic. NextDoor is now available in 11 countries, showing people’s desire to connect with their neighbors.

neighbors who know each other, look out for each other. Image of people in neighborhood with 93% say it's important that neighbors know each other, over 67% of homeowners feel safer when they know their neighbors, 35% of people who know their meeting share safety information and 79% of people who use online neighborhood forum talk to their neighbors in-person at least once a month. Nextdoor hoa communication app infographic

It’s a good option if you’re after a community hub, however, there isn’t a dedicated space for documents, booking amenities, or posting maintenance requests. More importantly, the board doesn’t have control over it. So you may have to purchase or use additional software which becomes expensive and time-consuming. It’s an HOA app made for residents, not management.


  • Only verified residents are allowed
  • It’s a free app


  • Requires the whole community to participate
  • The board doesn’t have control
  • Not made for management


Telegram is an example of a free messaging app, it has been downloaded 7.7 million times in the United States in 2022. You could also use Facebook, Whatsapp, iMessenger, or Discord but Telegram is a very secure app. It also has channels, so you don’t have to be in a huge group chat with everyone in your HOA.

a hand holding a smartphone with an orange screensaver with 3 hoa communication apps: nextdoor, telegram and neigbrs by vinteum. It also has spotify, safari and image gallery, with a finger pointing at a screen

How you can use it

Instead, the board can create a channel, then post messages that go to everyone in the channel. You can also see who viewed the message, which gives you more control than a group chat does. Then, you can choose to allow discussion or not. You can also share heavy files, so you could post the by-laws for residents to access.


The main disadvantage to Telegram is that your community could quickly outgrow it, meaning you would need another tool. You would also have to manage residents in a spreadsheet, which is very draining and challenging. However, it can work well for a small HOA or a new community that needs an easy-to-use HOA app.


  • It’s a free app
  • Good support team


  • It’s not made for HOAs
  • You may have to buy or use other software
  • Can get messy if residents misuse it

Wrapping Up HOA Communication Apps

Neigbrs by VinteumNext DoorTelegram
Great for boards & managers to organize & communicateA good community app for residentsWorks for small HOAs who need a free way to connect with everyone

HOA communication apps can improve resident satisfaction, and make the board’s job easier. There are a lot of different options of not HOA-specific apps that the board can adopt. Or you can try an app that was made with community associations in mind.

To learn more about Neigbrs by Vinteum’s app, full portal, and website, book your free demo and ask all your questions and learn about our award-winning solution.

CTA HOA Websites Demo 1024x173 1

Fill out our form to get in touch and see all the tools Neigbrs have to maximize your efficiency:

Picture of Jonathan Doro
Jonathan Doro
Jonathan Doro was the Managing Director at Vinteum until 2021. Using his real estate and property management experience, he built Vinteum from its beginning. Jonathan used his experience of community management to offer Neigbrs by Vinteum HOA and Condo software to hundreds of community associations across the United States.



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One Response

  1. I would like to get a set up demo that I can explore on my own for the Vintage @ Verdigris. I want a demo that is set up and fully functional that I can test out features in and not a Zoom type meeting.

    Thank you.

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