7 Ways You Can Have Perfect HOA Board Meeting Etiquette

Following correct HOA board meeting etiquette is extremely important as it transmits a message of professionalism and confidence. 

As a board member, you will have to attend these meetings frequently to discuss important matters of the community such as finances, By-Laws, governing documents, and more. 

Knowing how to communicate effectively and behave correctly in these meetings will ensure that discussions can occur more smoothly and that you reach beneficial solutions. 

Discover our 7 ways to maintain a perfect HOA board meeting etiquette. 

What is HOA board meeting etiquette? 

Meeting etiquette is the standard behavior you are expected to have during HOA board meetings . 

This includes arriving at the meetings on time, being respectful, and not being distracted by phones.

Creating a professional environment in these meetings facilitates clear communication, increases efficiency, and helps foster strong relationships. 

7 ways to maintain a perfect HOA board meeting etiquette

1 – Be present 

The first step needed to achieve HOA board meeting etiquette is by being present. This does not only mean coming to meetings on time and attending them frequently, but it also means being present mentally

Phones or any other devices should not be a cause of distraction. When someone is speaking you should pay full attention. This can prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts from occurring. If you often take notes through your phone, consider doing it through paper, as it produces less noise, or through your laptop, with all notifications turned off. 

Listening effectively is a big part of being a good communicator, so always look at whoever is talking, nod your head, take notes of what they are saying, and ask questions. 

2 – Be prepared

Familiarize yourself with the governing documents as they inform how recurrent the meetings and what the community association’s policies are. 

It is also good to have an agenda so the meeting can run more smoothly. This is especially important if there are several topics to be discussed as it keeps the meeting manageable. 

Finally, make sure you have brought any necessary materials for the meetings: laptop, notes, charger, slides, pen, notebook, etc. 

3 – Be professional 

Although HOA board meetings are not very formal, it is still important to behave and look professional. While a suit and tie may not be necessary, wearing sandals might give off the wrong impression. 

Avoid slouching because it makes you look bored and uninterested; instead, sit with a good posture as it transmits a sign of confidence and professionalism. 

Fidgeting or any other distracting behavior can be prejudicial to a meeting, so avoid tapping your foot, fidgeting with an object, humming or whistling, and any other action that can be disruptive. 

4 – Be concise 

Don’t deviate from the main topic and stick to the agenda. This is important as it keeps the discussion on track and allows it to be more productive and effective. 

It is also important to let other people share their thoughts and opinions, so be direct and concise when you speak as meeting time can be limited. 

5 – Be clear

When you talk, you want to be clear. Enunciate every word properly and project your voice so that everyone can understand you properly. By doing this, you avoid people from asking you to repeat what you have said and delaying the meeting. 

If you speak too quietly or unclearly, it can give off the impression that you are not confident. Try to speak clearly so you seem more self-assured.

three men and one woman having a hoa meeting in an office

6 – Be respectful 

In a meeting, there will be different people with different opinions and they all need to be listened to and respected. This means that you shouldn’t laugh, roll your eyes, or do anything disrespectful to anyone. If you disagree with someone’s points, respond to them calmly and politely. 

You also have to take into account that people have different personalities and some are more shy than others. This is why, if you feel as if a member isn’t speaking much, encourage them to share their ideas.  

7 – Eat and drink appropriately

Bringing water or coffee is fine as long as you are not making too much noise while drinking. However, it may be best to check if having food during the meeting is not a problem since the smell and chewing noises can be distracting to others. If bringing food is fine, make sure to eat silently and wait until you’re finished to start speaking. 

Wrapping Up HOA Board Meeting Etiquette

Board meetings are an essential part of any association as they address and discuss important topics related to the community’s functions, rules, appearance, and maintenance.  That’s why it’s key  that everyone who attends these meetings has proper etiquette and professional behavior. 

By being present, prepared, professional, concise, clear, respectful, and eating and drinking appropriately, you will have excellent HOA board meeting etiquette and contribute to the effectiveness of the meeting. 
If you want to know more about HOA board meetings, click here for a full guide.

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Picture of Luiza Ribeiro
Luiza Ribeiro
Luiza is a talented and dedicated intern at Vinteum. As a versatile team member, Luiza excels in designing engaging social media posts, editing videos, and crafting complete blog articles for community associations. Her passion for writing is evident as she also serves as the deputy editor-in-chief of her school's newspaper club. Luiza's exceptional abilities have been recognized globally, as she was recently a finalist in the prestigious Harvard Crimson competition. She looks forward to further expanding her skills and expertise through her work at Vinteum. Outside of work, Luiza enjoys indulging in her love for music, programming, and playing the piano.



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