Decoding HOA Member At Large Duties

Typically, an HOA board consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Certain communities, however, have a role that is fairly new to community associations: HOA members at large. 

It is not a very common role to have, but it can enrich and help community associations reach their goals and tasks with much more ease. 

 Continue reading to find out what an HOA member at large is, their 5 main duties, and the benefits of having a member at large on the board! 

What does an HOA member at large do? 

An HOA board member at large is someone who can fill different roles, they don’t have a fixed position unlike the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Their duties tend to vary according to what the board needs. So sometimes, they are required to fulfill the roles of other people on the board who are absent or aren’t able to complete their duties. 

You have two types of members at large, one is a resident who is an expert in a field who can help with a specific project. For example, if they’re an architect and the community is expanding an amenity, they could be a great help to the board with the project.

Or they could be someone who does generalist tasks and helps out when needed. So their responsibilities aren’t clearly defined. They would change depending on what the association by-laws are, or in order to fulfill the board’s goals and requirements. 

 group of three young women and two men of different ethnicities are in a business meeting in a modern day office. A bald man is talking to the group while there are laptops and documents on the table.

Duties of an HOA member at large

Participate in meetings

Since members at large may have such a variety of tasks – with a lot of range – they should attend all board meetings so they have a clear understanding of what is going on and what the board’s decisions are on certain issues. This helps them be more successful in their other duties and allows them to represent the membership well. This communication with the membership is also vital, as it can impact the boards-decision making process. With that said, an HOA member at large does have voting restrictions and can’t vote on certain issues.


Being a member-at-large you also serve as a liaison between the community members and the board of directors. They can act as a spokesperson for the community members and will receive input, give feedback and communicate concerns to the board of directors. 

Tip: Being an effective communicator is obviously key to excelling in this. Be sure to listen to others attentively, be as clear when talking, and be informed on what issue you are discussing.

Special projects

More often than not, the president can assign specific projects to the member at large to work on. This can include a range of things such as overseeing tasks and/or collaborating with HOA committees. As mentioned earlier, boards normally work with an expert in a specific area in order to help them achieve their objectives and teach other board members.


Members can attend board meetings while committee chairs can’t. Because of this, HOA members at large work with the committee in order to review their progress and status. As well as that, they will update the board on what the committee is working on. If there’s a vacancy, HOA members at large might be required to run the committee. Not only will these members be typically required to sub in if a committee member is away, but for any other roles on the board since they can easily substitute other positions. 

Help new board members 

As an HOA member at large has a wide scope of responsibilities within the board, they know about what’s happening in the association. They act in various parts of the HOA and can help new board members who are joining. This helps with a smoother and easier transition period. 

HOA members at large have a wide range of responsibilities and duties that they can fulfill in their HOA. However, they’re still not that common in community associations. So why should a board of directors consider adding this distinct role? 

Benefits of an HOA Member at Large   

  1. They are experts: As mentioned before, boards normally hire HOA members at large because they are an expert on a certain subject, this means that they can help certain communities grow and have ideas for projects. Not only this but they can teach members more about their area of expertise. 
  2. Helping new members: As explained above, an HOA member at large can teach others, but they also help new members joining the board. This makes their transition much easier, faster, and smoother. 
  3. Communication: Since HOA members at large are responsible for being a liaison between the committee and the board, the communication between the two will be much more effective and clear. Not only this, but it will make sure that the committees are on the right track and their concerns are well taken care of. 
  4. Versatility: Because HOA members at large have such varied tasks that aren’t fixed, they can do various activities for the community, helping the HOA’s projects and goals be achieved faster. 
  5. Filling in: With their wide scope of knowledge about the events and projects happening in the community, HOA members at large can fill in or help with a wide range of roles.

Wrapping Up HOA Member At Large

HOA members at large are in a position with a wide scope of responsibilities that are required to ensure communication between the board, committee, and community members, fill in for different roles, help new board members and be present in all meetings. They can help not only their board with projects but new members and their community as a whole.

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Picture of Luiza Ribeiro
Luiza Ribeiro
Luiza is a talented and dedicated intern at Vinteum. As a versatile team member, Luiza excels in designing engaging social media posts, editing videos, and crafting complete blog articles for community associations. Her passion for writing is evident as she also serves as the deputy editor-in-chief of her school's newspaper club. Luiza's exceptional abilities have been recognized globally, as she was recently a finalist in the prestigious Harvard Crimson competition. She looks forward to further expanding her skills and expertise through her work at Vinteum. Outside of work, Luiza enjoys indulging in her love for music, programming, and playing the piano.



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