Pets – Do you Love or Hate Them? 5 Basic HOA Pet Rules

If you’re moving to a community association, you should check the HOA pet rules. HOAs normally have rules around pet ownership, because it can cause problems. When it comes to pet ownership, people usually come down on one of two sides: love ‘em or hate ‘em. You may think your cuddly buddy is the cat’s meow (even if he’s a dog), but your neighbors may not share your enthusiasm.

picture of a man with blonde hair looking out of a windom, with his arm around a fluffy white golden retriever

We’re going to focus this article on dog ownership since that seems the most prevalent and most apt to cause angst. However, it is worth checking if there are rules regarding all pets before you move. Some HOAs have rules around cats, exotic animalsand even fish.

Since dogs bark, bite, and need more exercise they cause the most problems. This can mean that just dogs are banned from communities. Man’s best friend can be a wonderful companion and a source of great joy. But if your neighbors aren’t dog lovers, having a dog next door can be annoying.

Usually, that’s not an issue when a dog lives in a single-family home and spends a lot of time inside or in his own backyard. However, it can cause big problems for dog owners who live in an apartment and in close quarters with those who aren’t as keen on canines.

1 – Read the HOA Pet Rules

Carefully read the HOA Pet Rules and regulations regarding pet ownership. There are plenty of HOAs and condos that outlaw pets of any kind. Even those that are OK with them will have rules and HOA pet restrictions that you need to follow.

They might have rules on the number of pets you are allowed, the weight and height of the dog, and occasionally even the breed. Make sure to check that you can have a dog before buying one because you don’t want to be in the position where you have to choose between moving to a new house or your pet.

2 – Plan Walks

Scout areas for your dog to relieve himself that are close to home. In case of an emergency, you want to know where the nearest patch of grass is. Be aware that some HOAs outlaw dogs “doing their business” within the community grounds, so you may need to broaden your search. If the HOA’s pet rules, don’t ban it then it should be fine.

You should also find the nearest place your dog can exercise. A happy, tired dog is one that won’t have a lot of pent-up energy to channel into chewing everything or barking. Consider asking someone to walk your pup if you’re out a lot. You could either ask a friendly neighbor or someone from a dog-walking website or agency.

3 – Clean Up After Your Dog

Be a considerate dog owner and always clean up after your pet. No one wants to see dog poop, let alone accidentally step in it. It also carries diseases, it could have E.coli or Salmonella organisms, or even ringworm.

Dog poop is classed as an environmental pollutant. So if it’s left on the street and rain washes it into the gutter it adds nitrogen to the water. This removes oxygen from the water. You should never go out without a poop bag at the ready and your HOA pet rules will probably have a clause on waste. You can be fined if you don’t clean up after your pet.

If you don’t clean up after your pet, then the HOA board could send you a warning, so make sure that you do.

4 – Minimize Barking

Staying in the area of being considerate, you may find your dog wakes you up early when he feels the call of nature, but that doesn’t mean your neighbors need to be awakened as well. When walking a dog in any residential area either early in the morning or late at night, be aware that other people don’t want to hear you talk to your dog.

You should also do your best to limit or eliminate barking. Try to go to a park or a less residential area so as not to annoy anyone. If this isn’t possible, just try to reduce any noise you might make. If you want to know more about dog training, we recommend this article at Your Dog Advisor.

In your home, you should also train your dog not to bark constantly. Some excitement is normal, but if it’s constant it’s annoying. Even if your neighbor loves dogs, they may complain to you or the board.

White dog with brown spots lying on a grey cushion against an orange background, representing pets in condos.

5 – Talk to your Neighbors

Befriend your closest neighbors and introduce them to your dog. Let them know you are a considerate dog owner who will follow the HOA Pet Rules. You should also encourage them to tell you if your dog is causing any problems.

This can be a challenge if you have a dog that barks a lot and you live in particularly close quarters with your neighbors, but if you keep it to a minimum you may keep the neighbors appeased. Persuading everyone of how lovely your pup is should help them accept him. The happier, more exercised, and more adequate your dog is for your home, the calmer your pup should be!

Wrapping Up: HOA Pet Rules

As a dog owner, you should think about your neighbors. Not everyone is going to love their dog as you do. But you and your dog can peacefully coexist with neighbors — even those who share a wall. You need to follow the community rules and carefully monitor your dog’s behavior to ensure he’s not negatively affecting others.

Dogs can live happily in apartment blocks, so long as they have enough exercise. If you are considerate of your neighbors and follow the HOA pet rules. Try to reduce noise, walk your dog regularly, and clean up after them, the happier your neighbors will be! The key to a happy life with your dog and neighbors is being a responsible owner who trains his pup well.

Neigbrs by Vinteum exists to create open communication between residents, boards of directors, and property managers. Pet owners can add their pets’ information and pictures to their account so that the board knows who your pets are.

Pet Posters
Picture of Jonathan Doro
Jonathan Doro
Jonathan Doro was the Managing Director at Vinteum until 2021. Using his real estate and property management experience, he built Vinteum from its beginning. Jonathan used his experience of community management to offer Neigbrs by Vinteum HOA and Condo software to hundreds of community associations across the United States.



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